Friday, June 22, 2018


Chapter 1:

Before long those who try to use L-Rods to find their coins or artifacts will stay below the radar of the Treasure Hunting Community! Can you say "TAXES"!

I was poking around to see if any of my co-treasure hunters and cache hunters were successful using their particular dowsing rod or electronic rods on a LRL site no less, I was given message back and get this; at a Long Range Location Forum for Treasure Hunting, I was told, I wasn't welcomed and no one believes in those fairy tales! What happen, did I just step off the plane in mid-air before landing in the Twilight Zone! After that fiasco, Oh, if anything this blog is badly needed for this type of hobby. If for nothing else, to be able to throw out the "trash" of ignorance for a single moment in your busy lives. I know there are many people out there still wanting to purchase such a device as a LRL and thats all well and good! But you shouldn't be brawl beaten at other sites because you show interest! Not this site, I can assure you of this much!

On this blog if you have any negative comments on why you think it shouldn't work and why I am wrong, then I will refer you to many sites who will agree with you, any other derogatory statements will be promptly deleted; this site is not up for debate, if you don't like what your read then by all means go away! This is for good reasons and the reason I visited that last site was to share my work, I gave them my link to this site! Some folks really want to know how to use these rods; to find gold and silver and believe me what you learn here is the real McCoy! I don't sell them and if the company is great and makes products that actually work I will tell you about them and refer them to you! But I am a treasure hunter, not a rug scrubber by using a metal detector in hand all day long across all that dirt floor looking for pennies or clads! I got a metal detector a fairly inexpensive Garrett Treasure Vision. After I box in a 3x3 square area using my TFR-1-2; I add four tent stakes marking all four outside corners of the target, I then take out the mD to pinpoint the exact spot within that 3x3 foot square, sometimes I make it bigger for a wider smooth swing of the mD.

Let's talk about the metal detectors in the market place, after all these years chasing my tail in the metal detector industry I found a very common thread from the cheapest mD models to the most expensive models, first attribute of the mD' is, they beep when a coin or precious metal is under the ground below coil and it can't be too deep either! This is the basic function of every metal detector, if you strip off all the bells and whistles all you really have is a stick with a electronic box and some discrimination filters or software that goes beep beep and the second most common attributes of all metal detectors from cheap to expensive is; if there is not a target in the ground it will not work!  It will hum and buzz and begin to fill heavy after awhile of swinging this tug. The coin could be a foot away in any direction and if you don't swing the coil exactly over the spot you will miss the target even if it is a few inches away.

CX Minelab 3030 their top of the line detector also has a flaw, if the coin doesn't show up after your swing under any part of the coil, you will miss it! Everyone who misses these coins, loses money on their metal detectors. If your talking about a few hundred spend on the machine it wouldn't matter so much but with a $2500.00 model you would think it could send a radar signal to pickup your coin if it were there!

Here is crude example: You paid $2500.00 for your CX3030 Minelab, you took it in your yard and found nothing! Your neighbor kid comes over with his metal detector he purchased from Walmart and shows you a penny he found with a machine that cost him $50.00! I know I am taking this too the far extreme but I just wanted to show you all why metal detector salesman count on you not knowing if that $2500 machine or if the cheaper one is better for you and they are built to both find all the same metals. If I was him I'd be tempted to say for commission purposes,"You know your going to find some deeper and older coins with this cx3030 machine! Nothing can hide from it"! But as soon as the customer is about to leave your store, you have to tell him about the "disclaimer", "It will only work when there is a coin present below the coil head"! Nay! That's for him to figure out! I got my monies!


What would make a person venture over to LRL to find their precious metals? Is it because they are not so lucky with their metal detectors! You have to understand, if the metal is not directly under the coils it doesn't find you nothing! $2500 worth of electronic parts and some software is all you have left of you investment!

Now that we surpassed the basics of Metal detecting purchasing, you will be a bit wiser then some, you just need to know what your going to use it for. Just don't say to hunt gold and silver, every Metal Detector Store will show you hundreds of machines that are designed to find those precious metals and some can reach ten       or fifteen thousand dollars! Once I decided what I wanted to do out in the field and what I was desiring to bring back home with me, that was my first over the hurdle moment. My second (and this is all from last spring!) requirement was to find the right metal detector for the right hunt. Don't get me wrong I metal detected for many years! It was the jacked up prices that kept poor people out of parks and woodlands because they couldn't afford a real metal detectors with all the bells and doo-dads on it to look for that old farmers hidden cache of gold and silver coins. 99% of mDr's would find nothing of value! Even after doing research on the area surrounding the suppose treasure!

This wasn't all that hard to accomplish since there are so many models of mD's to choose from, just remember the more bells and whistles you order, the more expensive the metal detector will become, if you only need it for pinpointing in the metal mode, then a cheaper one will do just find. I want to refer you all to Kellyco it's a great place to purchase your ground tools and some have decent metal detectors that are reasonably priced. But if you smart; you will only use the detector once you are on top of your target, and that's just for pinpointing which it was designed for! You certainly don't want to swing that around from morning to night looking for gold and only picking up clads all day long along with junk metals!

Below is my hunting gear but not limited, First: My TFR-1-2 or 4 and the Anti-Ghost Reflection Steele capsule accessory: This device prevents ghost reflections that are caused by the sun heating up the ground from morning to about sunset.

. Middle price Metal Detector (To retrieve only) Not to be hunted with! ******************************** Think of the fox and the hound, the puppy finds and flushes out the target and the farmer shoots it! You certainly are not trying to locate the hidden fox with your rifle; you use your "Finder" in this case the Hound! In our case the TF-Rod! The TFR finds target(s) in its hidden place like the Hound would the fox in the hole or up a tree and the metal detector is used to pinpoint precious metal targets either in "All Metal Mode" or "Discrimination Mode" as the gun is used to shoot the target (Fox) and the metal detector confirms the find only; it doesn't hunt for it! Otherwise if we only had the mD without the rod; chances are huge, you wouldn't have been to that spot anyways, your detector by itself is useless box of nuts and bolts if the metal is not under the coil. 

. A knife that is 3 inches wide with a serrate edge to cut root and about 8 inches long (Standard)

. A mini palm sized metal locator to run around the holes in the          ground in case the coin drops further into the hole when digging around it, it will buzz if your target is in that hole or on top the grass.

. Water Jug:

. Candy Bar (Snickers and bottle of OJ) : for low blood sugar if you  haven't had a meal in a few hours of digging

. (Gloves) and (one knee gelled KNEE PAD)

, Go-pro camera on top of your hat for the recorded hunt. (Most will not believe when they watch the proof of the dig).

. (A handheld GPS60),  it will take you out and each waypoint will send us back to your start position! Just in case you unfamiliar with the area in general and you get turned around for some reason or another.

Grizzly Bear Spray: 

Watch out for wildlife, I had to spray a brown bear in Alaska back in 1979 when using my Whites Detector, the closer he came to me the more I could feel like my pants were creating a puddles of a liquid substance, when he stood up! Long story short, I sprayed out 75 feet. Once that halapenia pepper habanero oil base structure/chemical hit its face; it was like oil of a skunks urine except this was oil of an extremely hot chili pepper oil base, when you spray the "threat" it sticks on them for 30+ minutes. This bear yelped for almost 30 minutes running the other direction! Good for "human pests" as well! (Don't forget wild dogs or cougars or wolves etc.)

. Sampson Shovel with the square handle not the ball at the end. Kellyco or other equivalent companies has these.

. A light weight Fold Up Wagon... that can carry all your stuff in the field. Compliments of Walmart! Instead of all your back or your poor wife has to carry these, someone has to use the rod to pinpoint the way!

Ghost reflections created by the sun heating of the natural quartz crystals in the ground, it projects reflective images up to 50 feet away from the actual target and add another 5-10 feet with the aura that is created by the target itself for being so long inside the earth.

Now we are ready to go; all the fun stuff is out of the way, Don't forget your food and make sure you place what is not eaten in a sealed container or Tupperware container. Seems like we got most of our quipment ready to go to the field. Now we can take our time; the sun is not bothering or interfering with the Rods like it use too because I have purchased John's new item called the "Ghost Evader Technology", that was recently developed by John and his engineer this past year. The sun, as it arcs across the sky it shifts those "reflective ghost targets" on the ground 50+ feet in all directions until the sun goes down, which is why if you don't have his newly invented accessory, the Ghost Evader Technologies Steel Capsule embedded with Tesla frequencies that nullify such ghosts; then you must hunt before sunrise and right after sunset. Until you are ready for such tools and if you have purchased a rod from someone else consult with whoever built yours and asked them questions! Even the most difficult LRL can be use with success with a small amount of  modification and education on your parts and lastly practice.


I was really eyeing up the Model 301 by Thomas Electro-Scope in the 1980's, the problem of those who owned one it found too much junk and it was affected by the all day sun as many other LRL were also.  John's Engineer solved that problem that plagued the LRL hunters for years! I am going to field test his newly created steel cylinder which his engineer embedded certain Tesla Frequencies to block these ghost or phantom reflections. If it doesn't work, I will send it back!

If you had not purchased a treasure rod from someone else, the information I can give to you here will be priceless! I've been wanting a Electro-Scope Model 301 for $2500.00 since it ever first come out in the 1980's. Like many of you; I just couldn't afford that luxury. I am glad I waited for as long as I did. "Waiting" is given a bum rap by Liberals these days, when they say, "We want it now"! I wasn't raised in that era of thinking. So, I waited and waited and it wasn't until last year I ran into John's partially running website, who happens to sell custom built treasure rods, he calls them, "TFR-1-2-4 and along with these some useful accessories. As I have already mentioned and not to be too redundant, he shared a lot of important information with me, I was totally unaware about. Especially the Ghost Reflections caused by the sun all day long and the "reflections" caused by the precious metal that's been inside the earth for hundreds of years, (this too produces a 1-10 foot auric radiation) on top of that! Since owning these two devices, I could find coins both silver, gold, meteorites, etc. all depending, which "Screw On male plug cap" I want to purchase to find some of those rare items. One problem remained was these damn ghost targets!

You don't need to purchase more than one device, the TFR-2-4 are not dowsing rods, they run off a discriminator box that uses 2 nine volt batteries; it does have a special chemical/mineral mixture sealed inside the brass tubing. The TFR-2 can find a single 3 grams of gold from a single pesos buried up to four feet deep 2000 feet away and further the larger the target! You can watch these field tests on youtube. Sorry, I am much too lazy, I won't dig that deep, if I can't find it with a Garrett mD after being pointed out by the TFR's and I know it's there, I will give it to someone else. I pick up coins and jewelry such as rings, etc. about up to 8-10 inches in the dirt; the stuff your $2500 mD can't find unless you are right on top of the metal itself! I am not that gun ho! When you reach 60+ years of age, then you will understand what I am telling you all. I got all sorts of jewelry weighing tools and diamond testers.

The above was found at a old golfing course field, one of Johns customers sent this in to him. He was using the TFR-4...with a new discriminator.

But none of this matters if you don't have the right tool for the right job! I can't emphasize enough times, mD's have their place in treasure hunting but they are very limited in the technologies we have today! Now we have these technologies in these TFR's and no one even knows about such things because the information is purposely suppressed and ridiculed; a lot has to do with mD sales, The MD sellers say; they don't work because they want your monies to purchase $2500 machines and if your gold hunting we can add up to around $8000+. When you talk Long Range Treasure Hunting, what's the first thing that comes to mind! "Dowsing Rod"s. With the purchase I made last year from John, I know the difference between using coat hangar wire and using a electronic and computer controlled system inside a 2x2 box with my rods! It takes the TFR-2 to find one to two grams of gold up to 17 volts from two batteries! If you set the discriminator higher weights it uses less voltage from the batteries. 

The TFR-2 and 4 can't work unless it is plugged into the computer control housing, you weight discriminator. I tried, nothing, no reaction from the antennas when I've scanned an arc of 180 degrees to get a hit. When I plugged it back into the computer housing and re-did the scan I got my first strong hit! I won't go into technical detail of Johns TFR's on why it work and the how's, you would have to email him or call him better still! I don't want to discuss his machines and what they can do, it would be an injustice for his credibility for me do so, because I just use it and that's all I understand about it. But I will show you and tell you what I founded with these rods. He will not give away his mineral powder formula to anyone because it's his proprietary blend to make these rods do what they can do! The TFR-2 is his top of the line rod or was, he has now come up with a rod that has the ghost evader technologies built into the body of it, with a discrimination box. It too, uses two nine volt batteries and once you set that weight, the rod will ignore anything else out there under or above the ground.


All of Johns TFR's now have the "DC" and "Conduit" plug-ins. "DC" or Direct Current allows you to hunt for all shapes and sizes of a target, think of it as a "All weights mode". The "Conduit" is a "discrimination" mode that will only pick up whatever weight you set it too! It goes down to 1 gram and up to thousand pounds, once past "100" mark on the weight discriminator box!

There is two ways you can use this device, you can run it on "DC" (Direct Current), this mode will shut down the discriminator and find what your looking for from an ounce to over hundreds of pounds! Once you lock on that target, now pull out the plug from "DC" side and plug it in the jack marked "Conduit" start from your highest weight discriminator where you found your target and scan where you got your hit and keep lowering the weight of this until you lose your hit! Now go back up and inch yourself up until you get that hit in that same direction! I call this "Sizing" up the target, you found in "DC" mode! In this mode, you can use any discrimination weight you desire but since you have already determined the known target earlier by weight sizing when switching over to conduit side, just keep those settings and walk it in until the rod swings behind you, from your passing by your target! The TFR-2 and TFR-4 and TFR-1 now have the same electronic box weight discriminators.

The TFR-2 will locate 3 grams of gold 2000 feet away! No matter the depth and from youtube, John was able to bury it four to six feet deep and still be able to lock into the coin from 2000 feet away! I for one, am not going to dig 4-8 feet on any single coin, maybe for a cache but some of those go down only 3-4 feet. Another issue comes time after time, if the TFR's are such great instruments; how come nobodies rich or getting rich? Good question, this would be similar to me saying to all of you, if the MN Vikings are so good and get paid multi-millions of dollars how come they always lose the Super-Bowl!  Or if the coach is so good, why doesn't he play on the team? John's rods gives everyone a equal playing field to find precious metals and gems! The great thing is you don't have to dowse to find anything, the rods do all the work, you just balance it and walk it in!

These dogs are the long range locators (noses) to hunt down foxes or does the hunter use his or hers rifles to locate those foxes! Must use the right tool for the right job!

Remember coin-hunters we are out to have fun, if it becomes laborious work by swinging a 15 pound detector all day long in the hot sun over a 20 acre piece of plot plus you were planning to visit some road park stop that you wanted to check out by the end of your day, later on when you arrived after swing your mD for hours, you found out someone got lucky and found some silver collectibles near the surface with his mD over one hour ago. The bummer of it, you didn't finish or come close to finishing the 20 acres you were previously on! With the TFR's it would have taken you a few minutes to spot any silver and gold if it were there! 

The rods I have are hollowed out so, I can place small samples of my targets specimens inside the rod and the rod has a mineral compound and other proprietary substances hermetically sealed within the unit, Update: Now my TFR-1 has a new electronic weight discriminator, which I can place my sample into instead of the hollowed out rod itself or into my old T.D that didn't run on battery power. I tried other L-Rods before and they just didn't work for me, even when the coin was on the ground in front of me. When I told John about this ordeal, he told me I will give you 30 days with your devices and answer all your questions and if after that, you still think it doesn't work for you, then I will take it back and give your money back. Good deal! Let's go for it! Then John and some of his working crew got hit with that merciless flu back November 2017. I ordered mine in November and it took me 3 months before I got my rods.


The TFR-1: has been upgraded and you will have to ask John about it. When I purchased this rod it was only for experimental uses only. I didn't realize that I could actually find gold and silver and not only that, anything I use for a sample or what I place in my thinking! You can't use body as a ground and exclude the minute electrical impulses of the human brain!

Heck, I couldn't have much use for the TFR's during the above months since it was winter so being a bit late was no issue on my part. Once I went outside in the winter, both of my rods certainly were picking up gold and silver with all that snow on the ground. The TFR-1 unlike the TFR-2-4 is a "Dowsing" device but specially made for me at that time, it was highly experimental. John wasn't sure what this device could actually do outside the precious metal world. In fact, this is my favorite L-Rod! Because I don't need any boxes or any samples. My wife hid her diamond ring out in the park and when she told me to turnaround, I made a verbal statement to myself while holding scanning with the rod, "Find my wife's wedding Rings in this park area", My antenna got its first pull, I walked the signal in and narrowed it down to 3x3 boxed area, used the mD for quick metal retrieval! John put something highly experimental in this TFR-1 and this device was not suppose to work like this, from my typical understanding of LRL devices.

I actually found coins with this rod; all I needed to do is think what it was I wanted to look for. When I scan sometimes I get solid hit  and if it's not there I get no hits. John did tell me the mineral compound inside the rod are tuned to gold and silver by default and only allows a small % of body grounding. One can put small bits of samples inside the rod itself or you can use the control box and place the sample in there. I am also a researcher and like to push to the extremes instruments such as these. Since owning the TFR-1 and not being able to dowse; it changed the way I viewed things forever! I called John one day and told him, this device is like no other LRL's out there.  It only requires little of full body electricity to perform correctly. This would include man's or woman's central nervous system, including their brains. 

This is the TFR-1 that can either be used with the small plastic weight discriminator box or by itself using your body as a % ground! I use this one the most! It's his least expensive! This is the one I purchased last year! Not including those two silver colored caps.

Yet John insisted it uses only about 20% of your body as a ground. The new TFR-1 Extreme, which by the way didn't exist when I was purchasing it. This uses nine volt batteries and completely eliminates the body as a "ground" as long as you use the box! But I like my body being used because the human thoughts are much more complexed for the scope and anything is possible or not! This isn't the first instrument I could do things like this! But this one is much cheaper and smaller to experiment with. Send me an email I will tell you about my "other" experiment with the TFR-1. John really doesn't want me to write all my experiments down because it would scare people away from using the devices for legitimate reasons! I don't blame him for that! But it does for me what it does! I am no psychic or dowser; if this helps the cause! Email:


You can break these instruments down in a few seconds and place them into your pockets, very discreet! Heavy enough to avoid light to mediums winds. 

The TFR devices are heavy enough to balance properly but not that light to be pushed by light to medium winds, that's a break! I went to a baseball field in that same park, I got a "hit" with the antenna going left to right then I step off to my left about 5 feet and a scan from right to left and where the two imaginary points crossed over each other, there should be my target! Where the two imaginary lines of interest met had a wide base instead of a sharp triangular  point like other targets when farther away, meaning the target is only a few feet away in this case. I walked toward the target (don't be in a hurry walk slowly), then the antenna pointed to my inside left. I backed up a foot or two and started to walk a straight line perpendicular to the suppose target itself. After just a few more steps, the antenna turned in towards the center of the partial box.

I made right angle turns and walked straight and when the antenna pointed inside the box I would mark it with a tent stake and take another right angle turn until I had all 4 stakes, one in each corner of the box. Somewhere in that box or close to the stakes is our target. To make it easy, I take out my small pocket size mD and scan the top of the ground and when it beeped, I found my target! But in this particular find it was a "dime". It was just under the dirt near the pictures mound. Just owning a mD where would you start to hunt to find that dime? In fact, without a direction finder; no less than a naval sonar; you may have never found the "dime" because it could be anywhere! I hear people say, we understand your logic; if they did work, we would agree! At least they was honest, I give them that! But I asked them, what makes you disbelieve in LRL, some told me they had one and never worked and I asked what didn't work, well he said, I couldn't find any coins with it, just junk!

Here's a better excuse I read at one of the forums, why don't you think they work? It's dowsing (Psychic) work! So your telling me a ghost is leading the way to find coins! Still others, say that, I just don't believe in them because on paper it shouldn't work, ah their thesis's from their college days. There liberal professors don't understand the technology so therefore it doesn't exist! Or "It's just my belief"! Then you get goofy replies such as, "I will pay you ten thousand dollars if you can find where I buried the gold"! First and foremost it's on their land and to their advantage, it should be on someone else's land with two witness standing by as the owner of the gold buries it. This would be much more of a fair assessment and to have a two party contract drawn up by an attorney that; when you find it, the metals will be your 100% payment!

But you will not see this! So serious treasure stompers would refuse these types of setups. They never offered anyone with mD's to find the gold he has buried, why, unless you right on top of the gold your mD will not make a sound! They say the mD's work, his name is Carlos X and he trolls all these blogs and forums. He represents Whites Detectors and that is his sole source of income, of course he will not have you spend half the price on something that works like these special TFR's, when he can get all your money for machine that is only good as the coin under the coil. If you could use my one of my TFR's; you would flip out how you can easily spot coins or other type objects etc. The first thought would be, this can't be real or how can this be! I thought the same thing! My wife doesn't dowse, never in her life and she can take the TFR-1 and locate any coin I hid in the house or any coin that maybe found in the park!

This is Bob Fitzgeralds Molecular Treasure hunter for around $5000.00, imagine walking for miles carrying this and setting it up over and over and walk around the unit 360 degree with two L'Rods that he doesn't show to you!

This above device I've been eyeing up for a few years or so after the Electroscope 301 Model was Bob Fitzgerald Millennium Gold Finder, John and I discussed it and he got this machine, he took it to his test-bed, that had just one singular precious metal planted in the earth for probably months and this device couldn't find it's exact location. It couldn't distinguish the coins target area. Even though Bob states you can cancel the ghost targets by flipping the switch, how many times must one flip a switch before it works! You can bring out the weakness in everyone's competitor LRL's and eventually create something better if you can afford to do so!

The hardest part in making a decision to purchase any type of LRL is getting past the "Advertising", at least it was for me! There was just no way of knowing the truth beyond the ads themselves! No  builders of these devices gave a person enough time to figure it out once they purchased it if; it worked or not and by the time they knew they had been had, it was far too late to be accepted back by the seller! Many thousands of dollars were lost along with a dream! I wrote this blog because I almost became one of those vial statistics! I was shagged a few times in purchasing other things over the years! No one is immune, not even the great treasure hunters of the globe. 

I was one of the luckier people last year! Patience in waiting for something is so true, that patience is a virtue! I purchased the TFR-2 and the later the TFR-1 after I found it really worked; better than he explained on the phone and on my emails. Last year was the first year in 35 years of my life in doing metal detecting that I ever owned a device that actually finds the gold, silver, and clad coins from a great distance; other than being under the coil head of a mD if not, you can't find it or don't know if it was there in the first place! With either of my rods, I will know after the first few scans doing 180 degrees, if there is anything out there to begin with!

I have it set on my TFR-2 to locate no less than 3 grams of gold or silver, no micron silver gold would be detected! I took my real diamond one ct. solitaire and placed it in the TFR-1 and TFR-2 on two separate experiments, one at a time and each time, I could find my wife's wedding rings with her one ct. diamonds that she hid. You have to understand I wasn't picking up on the gold in her ring just the diamond! I had a solitaire diamond by itself inside my unit!


  1. Hello.
    I was interested in this article
    However, I still do not understand how the TFR works?
    and which model is the best, TFR -1,2 or 4?

    Dominik from Belgium

  2. Me interesa tu detector tfr 2 y no se con quien contactarme para poder comprar o necesito sabe el lugar donde ubicarlo por fabor amigo jhon
